Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Just received a response from BurdaStyle yesterday that my dress was selected as one of the finalists!  Viewers are now able to vote and the winner will be announced 3/17!!

See the link below for the announcement and link to vote!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Challenge Contest Entry

BurdaStyle Member Model Challenge

Just submitted this entry - my version of the Designer Tube Dress - made for and modeled by my daughter! 

Instead of lining the tissue-thin floral fabric, I instead made the dress reversible by combining it with a beautiful sea green rayon.

See more photos on the link to BurdaStyle.


Sunday, January 25, 2015

I took a test recently - you know, one of those highly scientific tests you'll find posted on Facebook (tongue in cheek!).  Anyway .... this one was "What Should You Do For a Living."  My result informed me I should have been a professional designer!

The instant I read that response I was hit with a rush of nostalgia that transported me all the way back to my childhood bedroom and my collection of paper dolls (guess I'm dating myself here!)  I can still picture myself sitting there, drafting glamorous new gowns for my teenage dolls.  I imagined being old enough to dress that way myself!

In fact, here's one of my girls!  (Who doesn't love the warehouse of photos available on the internet!)

Anyway.....  years later there was 4-H (I wonder if I might hear from anyone with that experience?). I took the basic cooking, sewing, housewifey-type programs, but my favorite was sewing.  I can still recall being in the front seat of our family car, with Mom driving me to the nearby town where I was to turn in my completed garment for the county fair ..... I was hand stitching the hem as she drove!  In spite of my procrastination, I was awarded the top ribbon for my entry.  Cooking, on the other hand, is something I still struggle with!

The stint in 4-H was kind of a rite of passage in my middle school years, but once I matured to high school I was far too sophisticated for such things. That was until I once again picked up a pattern and fabric years later and found in that simple step the beginning of a very gratifying and productive full-blown obsession - not to mention absolutely great therapy in getting through a divorce!  I found also that sewing took me to a place of feeling completely centered (see my profile picture!).

This new-found passion quickly turned in to a 5-8 hour a day, 5 days a week obsession!  This was at a time when fabric stores would seek out adept customers to sew garments for display.  At any given time I could take you through that relatively small store and show you as many as 5 complete outfits I had meticulously sewn - and it was ongoing for almost 2 years!

Then as life does, mine took a new direction again and I no longer had the time to devote to sewing. This period lasted longer than I imagined it would - and I try now not to have regrets on how I let myself stray so far from what has clearly always been my passion.

I took up journaling when my sewing lapsed.  Of course the disadvantage with this pastime was in not getting any tangible results ... no new outfits!

Now, with this blog, I am at the beginning of not only returning to sewing but combining it with my love of writing!  I know I will gain so much satisfaction from writing this blog, detailing my projects, and then seeing it online ....even if no one reads it!

Of course, I will be absolutely thrilled!! if I find that I've been read, and maybe get an appreciative comment or two, and maybe even something of a following.  But most of all I want to just get back to me - and to feel a part of a community of like-minded souls that I share thoughts and experiences with!

More to come soon on a huge project I've begun to plan!
